We have a wonderful announcement, in light of the pandemic this month, from the FILMMAKERS ROUNDTABLE. Many authors have contacted the ROUNDTABLE to discuss what kind of "options" are being made available for authors who desire to increase their skills.
NEW AUTHOR SERVICE Believe it or not, we have a wonderful group of professionals who are willing to begin a new range of author services. Our first new "AUTHOR SERVICE", is in the area of STORY MENTORING. There are many different ways you will benefit from STORY MENTORING with our ROUNDTABLE. If you are a children's author, we have professional writing experience inside the ROUNDTABLE advisors with PIXAR, DISNEY, UNIVERSAL and NEST; with experts specializing in family entertainment, action, suspense and more. Whether you are a fairly new author, or have always dreamed of writing, this is your opportunity to engage with professionals, writers and filmmakers. You may be a novelist and want to know if your book might be in the "zone" for cinematic green lighting for a motion picture. Our adjudication process is one of the finest and this is your opportunity to use STORY MENTORING in helping you prepare, guide and steer the creative process for success. MITIGATING RISKS This will mitigate risks for everything you do and the costs are reasonable too. Contact Vice President Stephanie Musser today to learn about STORY MENTORING. You will benefit from working with our award winning film team on a month to month creative process. Don't delay and you have the opportunity to become a partner with us in not just talking about films, but making movies. We believe everything begins with the right story, knowing the right elements to create the ultimate drama, juxtaposition with tension and release, intriguing character arcs and masterful storytelling. LET US ALIGN WITH YOUR DREAM We have been working with some of the finest graduate students in film schools across America and our team has filmed in over forty countries. No matter how big the vision, the Table is looking forward to working side by side in alignment with your dream. Our mutual responsibility is creating excellence. Contact us today for more information about STORY MENTORING. God bless you and we look forward to working with you. Blessings, Dr. Kevin McAfee Chairman/Founder
When I stopped to read the overview from last month in preparations for April 2020, I realized the unexplainable impact on what has happened to the United States and the rest of the world in 31 days. The COVID-19 sweeping across our land and every land on the globe has radically changed everything.
This day I am sitting in my own home working and contemplating the enormous need for prayer. Nobody on the news talks about prayers, until there is a catastrophe. It is almost taboo for the mainstream to even recognize the need for prayer, but I am so very thankful this is our foundation. The virus has impacted every phase of our life. It's not just the quarantine, but the economic impact of every business in America, except the goods needed for the hospitals and the normal every day products like hand sanitizer, tissue paper and rationing of food items. Social distancing has removed the hugs and pushed families apart during times of death. My pastor since I was five who baptized me, the reverend Jimmy Hoffman had a drive by funeral, with only ten people allowed around the gravesite service. It is a complete turnover in lifestyle. So how do we react? As people who believe in a Holy God and who pray, we continue to do what we have always done, but with much more fervor. We dedicate more personal time to our hope in Christ and we all recognize the need for healing. Our prayer community is now important than ever. We are praying for every one of you who reads this blog. We want you to share it with others. If they do not have a community of prayer around them, we want to invite people to join us in prayer. I believe this is what makes everything different. In the PASSION OF THE CHRIST, my favorite line of the movie was something Jesus said which arrested my spirit. He said, "Behold, I make all things new". Isn't it amazing how only Jesus can do this. Only Christ can turn this world around. People who do not believe, will not understand what we are saying here. Remember to be safe and stay home. Upgrade your prayer time and invest more personal time with your God. Read the scriptures and listen to worship opportunities and pod casts filled with hope. Only dedicate a portion of your time to watching the news. Be more diligent in calling your family and friends and remember to check in often. Clean your groceries and leave packages in your garage a couple days while discarding the boxes and keeping the trash outside. Wear masks in public and don't worry about the fashion statement and only leave home if you have to. Join us in all in praying as we will be praying for you. Our Love, Kevin PS Our company continues to see those gifted writers and we encourage you to keep writing. We need literary and visual languages now, more than ever. Last month was really busy with a variety of opportunities for the TABLE. Our FILMMAKER'S ROUNDTABLE continues to look for two more stories. If you are considering being a part of our film slate, make your decision today.
Our Vice President Stephanie Musser is the gatekeeper for the Table. Professional adjudicators, screenwriters and veteran filmmakers are standing by to work directly with you as you submit your films into the process. Friends of ours have a new film being released this month, so we want to take a moment to point everyone to the box office for I STILL BELIEVE. I STILL BELIEVE Jennifer Willingham and the Epic Agency have been working with LIONSGATE and the Erwin Brothers along with Kevin Downes in making Jeremy Camp's new bio-pic called I STILL BELEIVE. This wonderful film opens in over 2800 theaters this month and as a partner with EPIC and supporting films of family, faith and freedom, we want to invite our entire Veritas community to go opening weekend. You all know our team's commitment to these kinds of films and we celebrated when I CAN ONLY IMAGINE entered the market. This is the same film team who made this movie. We pray the same fervor and enthusiasm will extend into the mainstream market.. CORINA PATAKI - NEW BOOKS 2 FILM AUTHOR About a decade ago our film team met a Romanian lady who had a powerful story in broadcast, publishing and film. Her first book, QUEST FOR FREEDOM was the true encounter of her miraculous escape from a communist regime. Some time stories take time to "grow" and this was certainly the case again with our table. This book was submitted and has been approved to be made into a feature documentary-drama and narrative film. Congratulations are in order to our newest author!!! Thanks to Corina, her producer Wendy Cooper Porcelli and the support from her husband Steve Pataki, the most bold film franchise encounter is about to take place in a dangerous part of the world. The Filmmaker's Roundtable has unanimously recommended her story for the highest level, making a book into a movie. Stay tuned for more exciting updates. CHRISTOPHER ATKINS Film star Christopher Atkins flew into Nashville to meet with our team to discuss his journey from starring in BLUE LAGOON with Brooke Shields, through his personal journey of filmmaking last month. What an honor to be with our friend, who was introduced to us by film veteran, Greg Jillian, the Senior VP of MGM over legal. Chris is a highly successful actor since his career launched with BLUE LAGOON when he was eighteen. Having a lot of experience in motion pictures, the financing and reviewing screenplays, he is interested in working with our team in future projects. Maybe he would be a great star for your book being made into a movie. We just need a few more stories so NOW is the time to begin. Keep Writing, Coach KMAC Last month the documentary film team traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to continue to work on the new documentary film based on the book, NO DOUBT, NO FEAR by Billy Stanley. What an amazing story of the Stanley brothers moving into Graceland in 1960 as Elvis Presley began his most successful career as the biggest entertainer in the world.
David Stanley flew from Florida to be with the Oceania Entertainment team worked with Cross Training Productions out of Parker, Colorado, led by Jim Gromer. The powerful and moving interviews with the Stanley brothers is going to ensure a huge success for the documentary for Billy. This all happens because of the FILMMAKERS ROUNDTABLE and maybe you and your story might be the next story we find to make into a full length feature film. Our film slate is still looking for three more stories. Be sure and reach out to the Vice President, Stephanie Musser and she will let you in on everything we are doing to promote the new books being turned into films. Remember, we do not option, we make movies and work with stories that are inspirational and educational. Good luck and we look forward to following up with you. Good luck, Dr. Kevin McAfee Chairman 2020 promises to be an exciting new year for many reasons. The Filmmaker's Roundtable is merging with a new business partner, the EPIC AGENCY. This exciting team of professionals is led by Jennifer Willingham.
As part of this new merger, we will be offering an additional array of author services combined with our film adjudication process. Our Table is excited to be joining the crusade with Jennifer in providing high quality services to advance book marketing, promotions and publicity. At the beginning of this year, we are creating a new documentary film based on the exciting book from Billy Stanley, ELVIS MY BROTHER. The Stanley brothers will be sharing this enormous story of the biggest entertainer in the world, Elvis Presley. It's going to be the best year ever for authors who have a wonderful vision and dream for the future. We look forward to working with you. Blessings and Happy New Year, Dr. Kevin McAfee Merry Christmas everyone. This is such an important season for our family as we welcome the Christmas season completely. We believe if you are Muslim, you should have the freedom to worship Allah. If you are Jewish, you should display your menorah and blow your shofar and if you are Christian, you can celebrate the nativity with great joy.
Part of living in America and in the United States are the freedoms we observe and the freedom of religion is so important. In 2012 our film partner created LAST OUNCE OF COURAGE, a movie starring Marshall Teague who was a mayor standing up for people of every faith. We are honored to have worked with this organization. Now, during this season we are heading to the West Coast for the purpose of reaching out to mainstream distributors regarding a new film. This all happened because of the FILMMAKERS ROUNDTABLE. It is an exciting opportunity to see the doors opening for our authors. Why don't you get involved with the Table and contact Stephanie Musser to have your book, play or screenplay reviewed professionally. Don't hesitate any more because we have a special discount for the month of December. Why not take advantage of our gift to the community. It's time to build your dream!!!! Merry Christmas, Dr. Kevin McAfee Probably one of the greatest moments any author can find, is to connect not just with a service, but a real filmmaker. So many folks are out there hearing folks share their own pitch decks, but there is a far chasm between the ability to pitch someone and transition into real filmmaking.
When you work with the FILMMAKERS ROUNDTABLE you are one group away from taking your book to begin the process of transitioning to film. One of the most important things you can possibly know is that our adjudication process brings the finest and most talented authors to the forefront of filmmaking. Why not contact Stephanie Musser today and be sure and read the Most Frequently Asked Questions for all authors. We now have almost half a dozen authors who are filmmakers! We need a few more stories to fill our motion film slate at GRP Films. Come become a part of this amazing journey today. Looking forward to hearing from you. Coach KMAC It's happening again. Another author recently contacted the Filmmaker's Roundtable and a new feature documentary has been filmed. All of this has taken place over the past six months and the exciting part of this, is meeting an author with real passion.
There is nothing more powerful than the love of a mother. Deani Merrell loves her family, her three children, her grandchildren and great grand children. She was very close to Heather Olive, a filmmaker who had worked with our team on END OF THE SPEAR. She brought her book to be reviewed by the Table, about the story of her daughter, Jenni Kufhal, who had lived a victorious life through her cancer. Jenni fought the disease for twenty two months and passed into eternity with seven children all under the age of twelve. She was a loving mother who lived modestly in a nine hundred square foot home. Can you imagine with all those children and a loving husband in Heath, the powerful joy she could bring, even in tragedy... JOY IN THE MORNING is the new feature film being made from Deani Merrell's book. It is the beginning of a historic and epic journey of a selfless woman who gave all she had to bring joy to her family. Her inspirational life caused hundreds of people to know God and her love of family inspired a nation on ESPN when her and her husband entered a contest with the OKC Thunder that led to a miraculous basketball shot. Later, the Kufhal's would be on national television talking about what happened, the cancer they were fighting and inspiring others to keep forging ahead, even when times get really tough. This is the story of the new film, all inspired by a book. Maybe your book, will be our next film? We don't just look at books for the sake of review, we want to tell stories using the visual language. Come be with us and join us in our journey in filmmaking. God Bless You, Dr. Kevin McAfee PS. I am formally announcing the delivery of ZION LAUREL MCAFEE to our family as she was delivered in China to her mother Lauren and father Michael McAfee, our oldest son this week. They are home and congratulations to all. The proud grandparents are beaming and thankful here!!! I don't often do this, but here is an abridgment from Billy Stanley's book, ELVIS MY BROTHER. Billy came to our FILMMAKER'S ROUNDTABLE and now, we are making a new movie about his book. After ending ELVIS WEEK at Graceland with Billy and Liz Stanley, what an amazing beginning to launch our film with Billy the Spa Guy on his YOU TUBE channel.
ELVIS MY BROTHER - BY Billy Stanley Here's a memory, from 1977... One night Rick, David and I were playing pool, at Graceland... The phone, with the direct line from Elvis' room, rang... Rick walked to the phone and answered it... David and I watched and listened to Rick... All Rick said was, okay boss, we'll be right up... Rick walked back to the pool room, then said, Elvis wants to see all 3 of us... David and I put the pool cues on the pool table, and followed Rick... As we were going up the stairs, we did our usual routine... We started saying, okay... What did you do??? I didn't do anything, what did you do... This was a little joke my brothers did every time Elvis called us to his room... When we got to his room, Elvis was sitting on the edge of his bed reading his Bible... He looked up at us, then told us to have a seat... All 3 of us sat on the floor, in front of him... He said, I was reading the Bible... About Jesus and his life... Then it hit me... Jesus had followers, to write about his life... It got me to thinking... When I die, who's going to tell my story, or write about me... This caught my brothers and I off guard... We looked at each other, then back at Elvis... All 3 of us stood up... I walked over to Elvis and sat next to him, on the bed... I said, nothing's going to happen to you Elvis... You'll probably out live all of us... He just looked at me and smiled... Rick walked over and put his hand on Elvis' shoulder, then said, you ain't going anywhere Elvis... David stood in front of Elvis and said, what kind of talk is this, you ain't going nowhere, Elvis... Elvis smiled at us, then said... Thank you boys... Then he asked us again... Who's going to tell my story... I said, you have all the guys that work for you, Elvis, I'm sure they will do something... Plus, you have Priscilla... He looked at me, then said... You know about the book that's about to come out about me... It was written by guys that worked for me, it's not a good story, and it's not a fair story either... He continued... Priscilla is my ex-wife, while we did love each other and still do, her account of my life won't be flattering, either... Rick then asked, what do you want us to do, boss??? Elvis said, if and when that day comes, that I die, I want you 3 to tell my story... Now, this was something that really floored us... Elvis continued... Y' all are the only 3 that can call me your brother... You have a unique perspective that no one else has... I want you to tell everything... The good and bad, but please try to explain why I did some of the things I did... Elvis started to get emotional now, a tear came to his eyes... I put my arm around Elvis, and pulled him close... I said, we love you... We'll do what you want... Rick sat down, next to Elvis and put his arm around him, also... David walked up to Elvis... Elvis had his head down, David reached down and gently pulled Elvis head up, then said... You ain't going nowhere without your number one badass, Elvis... You hear me??? That lighten the mood, a little... Elvis stood up... He said, you think you can take me, David... David said, hell yeah... Let's go now!!! Rick and I stood up... Elvis said, I'll take all 3 of you on... David said, let's dance!!! Then the wrestling match began... The 4 of us wrestled until we were out of breath, and laughing... A couple of weeks later, Elvis passed away... CONCLUSION We thank Billy Stanley, the Step Brother to Elvis Presley. Here at the TABLE, you may have an idea, a play or even a screenplay and we want to work with you. Here is why. We are looking for two more stories to complete our film slate. Contact our Vice President, Stephanie Musser today. Coach KMAC Billy Stanley wrote a famous book ELVIS MY BROTHER and now, through the FILMMAKER'S ROUNDTABLE, a new film is coming to life! Just think, a movie about the KING OF ROCK AND ROLL is on the books and GRP FILMS is creating this movie with the NY Times Best Selling Author, Billy Stanley!
As part of the process, the team is attending ELVIS WEEK 2019. This is the largest gathering each year to celebrate Elvis Presley. August 8-16, 2019 are the dates and the entire week has been finalized. If you are an Elvis Presley fan, you will want to plan to visit Memphis, Tennessee and join in on the festivities! Billy Stanley and Kevin McAfee will be at the ELVIS WEEK together with Bill Stallings and screenwriter Jim Gromer on the last Wednesday and Thursday during the celebration week. You can meet many of those who were in the life of Elvis Presley and hear stories of kindness, of love and true facts about the life of the greatest entertainer in the world. BILL STALLINGS - AN ELVIS EXPERT Kevin and Bill met in Franklin, Tennessee last week to discuss the motion picture and future of the episodes he has been creating. Bill was invited to be a participant inside the motion picture working on the "behind the scenes" part and also as another voice into the film. Bill has invaluable information for the success of the movie and the GRP team is honored he is going to be involved. If you are not a subscriber on the YOU TUBE channel where Bill Stallings has created for Elvis Presley, we want to encourage you about this. Bill is a talented and caring person regarding the life and legacy of Elvis Presley. STEP FAMILY MEMBERS The theme of the movie ELVIS MY BROTHER embraces one of the power of unconditional love when you experience a "blended family". Over half of America is facing the blended family situation today. Many have difficulties embracing people who are not blood relatives, but Elvis demonstrated true love to his step-family. This is part of what is unique and special about Elvis Presley. Every Elvis fan is important to our GRP FILM team and we appreciate each and every opinion. Even when some may disagree, we believe unconditional love is more powerful and in alignment with the Bible, which has been embraced by the Presley and the Stanley family. SPECIAL THANKS Billy and Liz Stanley are inviting all of you to ELVIS WEEK 2019. They are bringing the GRP FILM TEAM to Memphis and we would be so very honored to meet all of you. The "candlelight vigil" on Thursday night before the closing on Friday will be a highlight of filming, so if you can, please join everyone for a memory in Memphis like none other. GRP believes that Elvis Presley knew Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. You cannot listen to him sing the gospel hymns and not be moved by his passion toward God. Because his Bible went wherever Elvis would travel, he was never far from God's word. This is the final and most important element in the new movie being made, ELVIS MY BROTHER. Hope to see you all at ELVIS WEEK! Remember, your story may be the next FILMMAKERS ROUNDTABLE film so don't hesitate to contact Stephanie Musser today to learn more. Follow your dream, GRP FILM TEAM |
AuthorDr. K is also called "Coach KMAC" and is a veteran filmmaker, speaker and author and coach who's been coaching hoops in the NCAA for 22 years with different University and leading schools with Bob Hoffman, Men's Basketball coach. His unique FILM COACH style is how this blog rolls. Archives
September 2021
CategoriesLet us gather now as friends on the red carpet premiere for your new film.
"Our team of film coaches are among the finest anywhere. You won't find a better group of people in the world!"
Team members come together to find ways to increase our table just for you.
Dr. Miller Bargeron and Jennifer Calvert are authors who are now filmmakers, so remember YOU COULD JOIN US!
In Franklin, Josh Buchholtz and Rebecca Sharp just got engaged and we celebrate and congratulate our team members who are in love!
Doug Davis has been a true success story with the great Warren Theater Chain in Moore, Oklahoma. A dear friend and thinker in our industry for films/dining!
You will find many pros working together to make movies and we are unified in the excellence of the art!
Christi Craddock is from the group HTT based in Oklahoma City and is a rising star in counseling. Her group has many books you will want to know about more.
Roundtable Team are gathering in Penn., Hawaii, Washington and Alabama on new projects!